evincient photobook(2020)

The 1st edition of evincient was self-published in late 2016. All photos were taken by me throughout 2011 to 2016, and shot in and out of private homes, public parks, and workplaces around the Albany NY, Boston MA and Tampa FL.

As an artist, I love capturing moments in time; the person someone is at the moment of the shoot, not who they were, want to be or will be. My work is about documenting the present. While I initially created evincient as a compilation of my early work, I feel like it’s become more of a self-portrait, through the beautiful subjects who let me document their private lives.

The hardcover 2nd edition has been expanded, and now features over 110 newly edited photos!

$80 USD (including shipping/handling; Currently shipping to US only)

Reach out via Contact if you’re interested in a printed copy!